In C++ programing language we can use comments to define different sections in the program itself.
Comments in C++ are not detected by the C++ compiler, it ignores the comments and simply does not compline or give any error related to comments. However there is a code or say format set to define comments in C++, otherwise it will show an error while compiling the code.
Comments are denoted by // , whenever you write a comment in a C++ program you need to put // before it so that the compiler knows it is a comment and ignores it while compiling the program.
C++ program sample with comment
Here is a simple code program which also has comment in it
// A sample program
#include <iostream.h>
void main ()
cout<<"Hello There!!" ;
/* This is a simple program with both of the comment types */
In the above program, you can see that there are two types of comments that are used. Lets us see the Two types of Comments in the C++ Program.
Types of Comments in C++ Program
In C++ Program there are two types of comments that you can use in any coding.
- Single Line Comment
- Multimine or block comment
What is a Single Line Comment in C++ Program
A single line comment starts with //, and the compiler ignores everything written after this symbol.
But the text or comment should be within the same line of the symbol, if you write anything in the next line the compiler will read it and show you an error.
Example of Single Line Comment in C++
Here is an example of single line comment in C++ code
// A sample program
#include <iostream.h>
void main ()
cout<<"Hello There!!" ;
Here you can see a comment
//A sample program
is written in the same line with the // sign before it.
What is a Multiline or Block Comment in C++ Program
In Multiline or block comment in C++ program you can write more than one line of comment, these are useful if writing any block of code that can be re-called and re-used for multiple shorter sections of code.A multiline comment starts with /* and ends with */ in between these two symbols any lines will again be ignored by the C++ compiler.
Example of Multi Line Comment in C++
Here is an example of a multiline comment in C++ code
#include <iostream.h>
void main ()
cout<<"Hello There!!" ;
/* This is a simple program
with multiline comment */
As you can see there are two lines in-between the symbols of multi-line comment, both will be ignored by the C++ compiler and it will execute the program without any errors.