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Input Output (II Part)

Q.5. Explain about LCD Monitors.

Ans.: LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display. Each pixel of an LCD typically consists of a layer of molecules aligned between 2 transparent electrodes, & 2 polarizing filters, the axis of transmission of which are perpendicular to each other. The surface of the electrodes that are in contact with the liquid crystal material are treated so as to align the liquid crystal molecules in a particular direction.

Q.6. Explain about Video Controller.

Ans.: A video display controller or VDC is an IC which is the main component in a video signal generator, a device responsible for the production of a TV video signal in a compulsory or games system.

Q.7. Explain the different types of Printer:

Ans.: Thermal Wax Printer : It uses wax coated ribbon & heated pairs. As the magenta, yellow & black ribbon passes in front of the print head, heated pins melt the wax on to the paper where it hardens.
Thermal wax printers produce vibrant colors but require very smooth or specially coated paper for best O/P.

Dye Sublimation : It‟s a printer which employs a printing process that user heat to transfer dye to a medium such as plastic card, Printed paper, Poster paper or fabric. The process is usually to lay one color at a times using a ribbon that has color panels.

IRIS Printer : It‟s a large format color inkjet printer which is used for digital prepress proofing. It uses a continuous inkjet technology to produce continuous-tone O/P on various media including paper canvas etc. 
They have low costs.

Q.8. What is Magnet-Optical Storage Media?

Ans.: There are used for erasable disks. MO system includes basic principles of both magnetic & optical storage systems. MO systems write magnetically & read optically. It has two standard forms : 5.25 inches & 3.5 inches.

Q.9. Explain thee following terms -

Ans.: (i) IDE : DE stands for Integrated Drive Electronic, It‟s a high speed, intelligent pathway to connect peripheral to the computers. IDE is a standard according to which IDE interface is made.

(ii) EIDE : Its stands for Enhanced IDE. It can interface hard disks, floppy disks optical disk & tape drives. It provides 4 channels. Two EIDE devices can be connected to each channel. Thus a total of 8 EIDE devices can be interfaced to a PC. A motherboard has 2 connectors for EIDE interface.

(iii) Fast SCSI : It has increased the maximum SCSI data through put from 5 MBPS to 10 MBPS. Wide SCSI increased speed from 10 MBPS to 20 MBPS.

(iv) Ultra SCSI : Also called “Fast 20” the enhancement of SCSI that results in doubling the fast SCSI data throughput speeds to 20 MBPS for 8 bit & 40MBPS for 16 bit processor.

Q.10. What are RAID Levels?

Ans.: In Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks (RAID) system, multiple disks operate in parallel to store the same information. It improves storage reliability. It eliminates the risk of data loss when one of the disk fails. Also, a large file is stored in several disk units by breaking the file up into a number of smaller pieces and storing these pieces on different disks. This is called data stripping.

Q.11. Explain about the Power PC Processes.

Ans.: Power PC Microprocessors were jointly developed by IBM, Motorola and Apple. They are high performances RISC processors. The term superscalar is used for the architecture which uses more than one pipe line for the execution of instructions. Power PC is designed to work in multiprocessor systems. All power PC contain floating –point math, processor & memory management unit on the chip. It‟s a 32 bit, 66 MHz microprocessor.

Q.12. Describe in brief about Motorola Process Microprocessors.

Ans.: Motorola introduced its first 8-bit microprocessor 6800 in 1974. It was widely used in industry for controlling equipment.
In 1979, Motorola introduced an advanced 16 bit MP 68000. Though its data bus is 16 bit wide, its intended architecture was of 32 bits. It could directly address up to 16 MB memory.
The Motorola 680X0 series of MP‟s were similar from a programming point of view. An improved m/c of this series can run the software of its predecessor of the series. In 1980s, the 680X0 series were used in desktops and serves computers. They are also used in embedded applications.

Q.13. What are Pits and Lands in CD’s.

Ans.: To write 1‟ & 0‟s on CD, a laser beam is used. To write 1, the laser beam is turned on, which turns a pit up to the reflecting layer. To write 0, the laser beam is not turned on & hence, no pit is burned. The surface when there is no pit is called land.

Q.14. What are the features of Pentium Microprocessor?

Ans.: The Pentium is Intel 32 bit superscalar CISC microprocessor. The term superscalar is used for the processor which contains multiple ALU‟s to execute more than one instruction simultaneously in parallel per clock cycle. The Pentium contains 2 ALU‟s & can execute 2 instructions per clock cycle. Besides 2 ALU‟s, it also contains one on-chip FPU & 28 KB cache memory (one for instruction & other for data). The Pentium has 32-bit address bus and 64 bit data bus. The data bus used is of 64 bit with a view to supply data at faster rates. It has got 4 varieties Pentium II, Pentium III & Pentium IV.

Q.15. What is PLD & PLA.

Ans.: To implement combinational & sequential circuits, we have to interconnect serial SSI & MSI chips by making connection external to the IC package. Logic circuits can also be designed using Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs) that have all the gates necessary for a logic circuit design in a single package. In such devices, there are provisions to perform the inter connections of the gates internally so that the desired logic can be implemented.

Programmable Logic Array (PLA) is a type of fixed architecture logic device with programmable AND gates followed by programmable OR gates. The PLA is used to implement a complex combinational circuit. In VLSI design, PLAs are used because the area required by the regular AND & OR arrays is less than the area required by randomly inter connected gates.

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