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Mix of Many

There is some personal infomation in the introduction and end. Please remove them before use.

#include<conio.h> #include<string.h> #include<bios.h> #include<iostream.h> #include<dos.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<iomanip.h> void starting() { clrscr(); int i,j; textbackground(BLACK); textcolor(YELLOW); clrscr(); delay(100); for (i=2,j=63;j>68,i<28;i++,j--) { delay(100); gotoxy(i,8); cputs(" Navi Arora "); } textcolor(CYAN+BLINK); gotoxy(36,21); cputs(" PRESENTS " ); { sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(700); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(900); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(700); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(400); delay(100); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(700); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(900); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(600); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(700); delay(200); nosound(); sound(7); delay(200); nosound(); sound(400); delay(200); nosound(); } } void scan() { textbackground(BLUE); cout<<"a"; clrscr(); for(int i=0;i<80;i++) for(int j=0;j<25;j++) { gotoxy(j,i); cputs(" "); } textcolor(11); gotoxy(6,3); cputs("UNAUTHORISED ACCESS "); gotoxy(6,4); textcolor(11); cputs("ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ"); textcolor(7); gotoxy(7,5); cputs("A tresspasser detected "); gotoxy(7,6); cputs("Shutting down all the power systems "); gotoxy(7,7); cputs(" "); textbackground(BLUE); for(i=25;i<=80;i++) { gotoxy(i,1); cputs(" "); gotoxy(i,2); cputs(" "); gotoxy(i,3); cputs(" "); gotoxy(i,8); cputs(" "); gotoxy(i+21,5); cputs(" "); gotoxy(i+21,7); cputs(" "); gotoxy(i+52,4); cputs(" "); gotoxy(i+50,6); cputs(" "); } textcolor(11); gotoxy(7,23); cputs("ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ"); textcolor(7); for(j=0;j<51;j++) { gotoxy(j+21,22); cputs("°"); } textcolor(11); gotoxy(7,22); cputs(" % complete"); textcolor(YELLOW); j=20; for(i=0;i<100;i++) { gotoxy(7,22); cout<<i; if(i%2==0) { j++; gotoxy(j,22); cputs("Û"); } delay(130); } } void error() { textbackground(BLUE); int i,j; for(i=0;i<40;i++) for(j=0;j<9;j++) { gotoxy(i+15,j+8); cputs(" "); } textcolor(15); for(i=0;i<40;i++) { gotoxy(i+15,8); cputs("Ä"); gotoxy(i+15,17); cputs("Ä"); gotoxy(i+25,8); cputs("Ä"); gotoxy(i+25,17); cputs("Ä"); if(i<9) { gotoxy(15,i+8); cputs("³"); gotoxy(65,i+8); cputs("³"); } if(i==0) { gotoxy(15,8); cputs("Ú"); gotoxy(15,17); cputs("À"); } if(i==39) { gotoxy(65,8); cputs("¿"); gotoxy(65,17); cputs("Ù"); } } gotoxy(16,9); cputs("A Tresspasser Has Tried To Hack The System "); gotoxy(16,10); cputs(" So The System Will Shut Down. "); gotoxy(16,12); cputs("It is highly advisable that you backup your hard "); gotoxy(16,13); cputs(" disk before the power off. "); textbackground(BLUE); for(i=55;i<65;i++) { gotoxy(i,11); cputs(" "); gotoxy(i,14); cputs(" "); gotoxy(i,15); cputs(" "); gotoxy(i,16); cputs(" "); } textcolor(BLUE); for(i=9;i<19;i++) { gotoxy(66,i); cputs("Û"); } for(i=17;i<66;i++) { gotoxy(i,18); cputs("Û"); } int K; ss: textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(37,15); textbackground(BLACK); cputs(" OK "); K=bioskey(0); if(K!=7181) goto ss; } void torture() { clrscr(); char file[30],disc[50]; int i=0,j=0,l; textbackground(BLUE); for(i=0;i<80;i++) for(j=0;j<25;j++) { gotoxy(j,i); cputs(" "); } textbackground(BLUE); for(i=30;i<80;i++) for(j=0;j<10;j++) { gotoxy(j,i); cputs(" "); } textbackground(LIGHTRED); for(i=15;i<56;i++) for(j=7;j<17;j++) { gotoxy(i,j); cputs(" "); } textcolor(BLACK); for(i=8;i<17;i++) { gotoxy(55,i); cputs("Û"); } for(i=16;i<55;i++) { gotoxy(i,16); cputs("Û"); } textcolor(WHITE); for(l=0;l<9;l++) { if(l==0) { strcpy(file,"System"); strcpy(disc,"logo.sys,LOGOS.SYS,msconfig.exe..."); } if(l==1) { strcpy(file,"Screen Savers.."); strcpy(disc,"Nature.scr,Boing.scr,3D Text.."); } if(l==2) { strcpy(file,"Program Files.."); strcpy(disc,"ACDSee,Winamp,MusicMatch Jukebox,IE."); } if(l==3) { strcpy(file,"Music Files-mp3.."); strcpy(disc,"Backstreet Boys,Westlife,MLTR."); } if(l==4) { strcpy(file,"Pictures.."); strcpy(disc,"Bollywood,Hollywood,Singers,Westers"); } if(l==5) { strcpy(file,"Games.."); strcpy(disc,"Cricket,Delta Force,Tomb Raider..."); } if(l==6) { strcpy(file,"C++ Files.."); strcpy(disc,"Turboc C++, Project.cpp... "); } if(l==7) { strcpy(file,"Personal Files.."); strcpy(disc,"*.doc,*.jpg,*.txt,*.all..."); } if(l==8) { strcpy(file,"Cleaning All.."); strcpy(disc,"*.* ALL..."); } gotoxy(15,7); cputs("ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»"); gotoxy(15,8); cputs("º CREATING BACKUP....... º"); gotoxy(15,9); cputs("º º"); gotoxy(15,10); cputs("º º"); gotoxy(15,11); cputs("º % complete º"); gotoxy(15,12); cputs("º º"); gotoxy(15,13); cputs("º º"); gotoxy(15,14); cputs("º º"); gotoxy(15,15); cputs("ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ"); textcolor(LIGHTGRAY); //201É 187» 200È 188¼ 186º 205Í 202Ê 203Ë 204Ì 185¹206Î for(j=0;j<23;j++) { gotoxy(j+17,11); cputs("°"); } textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(51,8); cout<<" º "; textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(18,10); cputs(file); gotoxy(18,13); cputs(disc); textbackground(BLUE); for(i=0;i<80;i++) { gotoxy(i,1); cputs(" "); } textcolor(YELLOW); for(j=0;j<23;j++) { textbackground(RED); gotoxy(j+17,11); cputs("Û"); delay(140); gotoxy(24+17,11); cout<<j*4; } //*/ textcolor(WHITE); } textbackground(LIGHTGRAY); for(i=7;i<64;i++) for(j=8;j<15;j++) { gotoxy(i,j); cputs(" "); } gotoxy(7,8); cout<<"ÉÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ»"; gotoxy(7,9); cout<<"º Now all your files been saved . º"; gotoxy(7,10); cout<<"º ENJOY! º"; gotoxy(7,11); cout<<"º BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME º"; gotoxy(7,12); cout<<"º º"; gotoxy(7,13); cout<<"º º"; gotoxy(7,14); cout<<"ÈÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ"; int K; ss: textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(32,12); textbackground(BLACK); cputs(" OK "); K=bioskey(0); if(K!=7181) goto ss; } void con() { clrscr(); textbackground(BLUE); int i,j; for(i=0;i<80;i++) for(j=0;j<25;j++) { gotoxy(i,j); cputs(" "); } } //end of the functions and definitions of virus int aut(int); int au(int); int bl(int); void col1(); int in(int); void col(); int vic(int,int); void doc(); void close(); int dic(char,char,char,char,char); int ino(int); int inn(int); void das(); void de(char); void de2(char); void pre(int); void das() { clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n"<<setw(45)<<"NOTS & CROSSESS\n"<<setw(46)<<"The gaming software"; } void doc() { clrscr(); cout<<setw(45)<<"NOTS & CROSSESS\n"<<setw(46)<<"The gaming software"; } int ino(int d) { char a; gotoxy(1,d); cputs("Enter your choice:"); row: cin>>a; switch(a) { case '1':gotoxy(27,6);break; case '2':gotoxy(35,6);break; case '3':gotoxy(43,6);break; case '4':gotoxy(27,9);break; case '5':gotoxy(35,9);break; case '6':gotoxy(43,9);break; case '7':gotoxy(27,12);break; case '8':gotoxy(35,12);break; case '9':gotoxy(43,12);break; default:{ gotoxy(1,15); cout<<"Wrong Choice!! Enter again:"; goto row; } } cputs("O"); return(a); } int inn(int d) { char a; gotoxy(60,d); cputs("Enter your choice:"); raw: cin>>a; switch(a) { case '1':gotoxy(27,6);break; case '2':gotoxy(35,6);break; case '3':gotoxy(43,6);break; case '4':gotoxy(27,9);break; case '5':gotoxy(35,9);break; case '6':gotoxy(43,9);break; case '7':gotoxy(27,12);break; case '8':gotoxy(35,12);break; case '9':gotoxy(43,12);break; default:{gotoxy(50,15);cout<<"Wrong Choice!! Enter again:";goto raw;} } cputs("X"); return(a); } int aut(int a) { switch(a) { case 1:gotoxy(27,6);break; case 2:gotoxy(35,6);break; case 3:gotoxy(43,6);break; case 4:gotoxy(27,9);break; case 5:gotoxy(35,9);break; case 6:gotoxy(43,9);break; case 7:gotoxy(27,12);break; case 8:gotoxy(35,12);break; case 9:gotoxy(43,12);break; case 13:{gotoxy(3,17);cout<<"You Won. Human supemacey still existing!!!";} default:{cout<<"Wrong Choice!! Get out@#$%&*!";exit(0);} } cputs("O"); return(0); } int au(int a) { delay(300); switch(a) { case 1:gotoxy(27,6);break; case 2:gotoxy(35,6);break; case 3:gotoxy(43,6);break; case 4:gotoxy(27,9);break; case 5:gotoxy(35,9);break; case 6:gotoxy(43,9);break; case 7:gotoxy(27,12);break; case 8:gotoxy(35,12);break; case 9:gotoxy(43,12);break; case 13:{gotoxy(3,17);cout<<"You Won. Human supemacey still existing!!!";} default:{cout<<"Wrong Choice!! Get out@#$%&*!";exit(0);} } cputs("X"); gotoxy(72,3); cputs("I play "); cout<<a; return(0); } int bl(int b) { switch(b) { case 1:gotoxy(27,6);break; case 2:gotoxy(35,6);break; case 3:gotoxy(43,6);break; case 4:gotoxy(27,9);break; case 5:gotoxy(35,9);break; case 6:gotoxy(43,9);break; case 7:gotoxy(27,12);break; case 8:gotoxy(35,12);break; case 9:gotoxy(43,12);break; default:{cout<<"Wrong Choice!! Get out@#$%&*!";exit(0);} } cputs("O"); gotoxy(1,15); cputs("Remaining Move is "); cout<<b; gotoxy(1,16); cputs("All moves over"); gotoxy(1,17); cputs("Its a draw!"); gotoxy(1,18); return(0); } int in(int d) { int a; gotoxy(1,d); cputs("Enter your choice:"); cin>>a; switch(a) { case 1:gotoxy(27,6);break; case 2:gotoxy(35,6);break; case 3:gotoxy(43,6);break; case 4:gotoxy(27,9);break; case 5:gotoxy(35,9);break; case 6:gotoxy(43,9);break; case 7:gotoxy(27,12);break; case 8:gotoxy(35,12);break; case 9:gotoxy(43,12);break; case 13:{gotoxy(3,17);cout<<"You Won. Human supemacey still existing!!!"; getch();exit(0);} default:{cout<<"Wrong Choice!! Get out@#$%&*!";exit(0);} } cputs("O"); return(a); } int vic(int a,int b) { switch(b) { case 1: textcolor(WHITE+BLINK); gotoxy(27,6); cputs("X"); gotoxy(35,6); cputs("X"); gotoxy(43,6); cputs("X"); break; case 2: textcolor(WHITE+BLINK); gotoxy(27,9); cputs("X"); gotoxy(35,9); cputs("X"); gotoxy(43,9); cputs("X"); break; case 3: textcolor(WHITE+BLINK); gotoxy(27,12); cputs("X"); gotoxy(35,12); cputs("X"); gotoxy(43,12); cputs("X"); break; case 4: textcolor(WHITE+BLINK); gotoxy(27,6); cputs("X"); gotoxy(27,9); cputs("X"); gotoxy(27,12); cputs("X"); break; case 5: textcolor(WHITE+BLINK); gotoxy(35,6); cputs("X"); gotoxy(35,9); cputs("X"); gotoxy(35,12); cputs("X"); break; case 6: textcolor(WHITE+BLINK); gotoxy(43,6); cputs("X"); gotoxy(43,9); cputs("X"); gotoxy(43,12); cputs("X"); break; case 7: textcolor(WHITE+BLINK); gotoxy(27,6); cputs("X"); gotoxy(35,9); cputs("X"); gotoxy(43,12); cputs("X"); break; case 8: textcolor(WHITE+BLINK); gotoxy(43,6); cputs("X"); gotoxy(35,9); cputs("X"); gotoxy(27,12); cputs("X"); break; default:cout<<"Wrong choice"; } textcolor(LIGHTGRAY); gotoxy(1,13); cputs("I play "); cout<<a; gotoxy(1,15); cputs("Bet ya.."); gotoxy(1,16); cputs("The coputer has beaten the human"); return (0); } void col1() { for(int i=25;i<46;i++) { gotoxy(i,7); cputs("Ä"); } for (i=25;i<46;i++) { gotoxy(i,10); cputs("Ä"); } for (i=5;i<14;i++) { gotoxy(30,i); cputs("³"); } for (i=5;i<14;i++) { gotoxy(40,i); cputs("³"); } gotoxy(30,7); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(40,7); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(30,10); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(40,10); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(29,5); cputs("1"); gotoxy(39,5); cputs("2"); gotoxy(46,5); cputs("3"); gotoxy(29,8); cputs("4"); gotoxy(39,8); cputs("5"); gotoxy(46,8); cputs("6"); gotoxy(29,11); cputs("7"); gotoxy(39,11); cputs("8"); gotoxy(46,11); cputs("9"); } void col() { for(int i=24;i<47;i++) { gotoxy(i,7); cputs("Ä"); gotoxy(i,10); cputs("Ä"); } for(i=24;i<47;i++) { gotoxy(i,4); cputs("Ä"); gotoxy(i,13); cputs("Ä"); } for (i=4;i<14;i++) { gotoxy(31,i); cputs("³"); gotoxy(40,i); cputs("³"); } for(i=4;i<13;i++) { gotoxy(47,i); cputs("³"); gotoxy(24,i); cputs("³"); } gotoxy(31,7); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(40,7); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(31,10); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(40,10); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(47,4); cputs("¿"); gotoxy(24,4); cputs("Ú"); gotoxy(47,13); cputs("Ù"); gotoxy(24,13); cputs("À"); gotoxy(31,13); cputs("Á"); gotoxy(40,13); cputs("Á"); gotoxy(31,4); cputs("Â"); gotoxy(40,4); cputs("Â"); gotoxy(24,7); cputs("Ã"); gotoxy(24,10); cputs("Ã"); gotoxy(47,7); cputs("´"); gotoxy(47,10); cputs("´"); gotoxy(30,5); cputs("1"); gotoxy(39,5); cputs("2"); gotoxy(46,5); cputs("3"); gotoxy(30,8); cputs("4"); gotoxy(39,8); cputs("5"); gotoxy(46,8); cputs("6"); gotoxy(30,11); cputs("7"); gotoxy(39,11); cputs("8"); gotoxy(46,11); cputs("9"); } void close() { int i,j; for(j=13,i=20;j>-1,i<50;j--,i++) { delay(70); gotoxy(i,6); cputs("Í"); gotoxy(i,13); cputs("Í"); } for(j=13;j>6;j--) { delay(70); gotoxy(19,j); cputs("º"); gotoxy(49,j); cputs("º"); } gotoxy(19,6); cputs("É"); gotoxy(49,6); cputs("»"); gotoxy(19,13); cputs("È"); gotoxy(49,13); cputs("¼"); gotoxy (20,7); cputs("Thank"); gotoxy (26,7); delay(250); cputs("you"); gotoxy (30,7); cputs("for"); delay(250); gotoxy(34,7); cputs("playing."); delay(250); gotoxy(20,9); cputs("Hope you enjoyed. "); gotoxy (20,11); delay(250); cputs("Write to us at"); gotoxy(20,12); delay(250); cputs(""); gotoxy (25,25); cputs("Hit any key"); } void de(char a) { delay(1000); switch(a) { case '1':gotoxy(27,6);break; case '2':gotoxy(35,6);break; case '3':gotoxy(43,6);break; case '4':gotoxy(27,9);break; case '5':gotoxy(35,9);break; case '6':gotoxy(43,9);break; case '7':gotoxy(27,12);break; case '8':gotoxy(35,12);break; case '9':gotoxy(43,12);break; default:{gotoxy(50,15);cout<<"Wrong Choice!!";} } cputs("O"); } void de2(char a) { delay(1000); switch(a) { case '1':gotoxy(27,6);break; case '2':gotoxy(35,6);break; case '3':gotoxy(43,6);break; case '4':gotoxy(27,9);break; case '5':gotoxy(35,9);break; case '6':gotoxy(43,9);break; case '7':gotoxy(27,12);break; case '8':gotoxy(35,12);break; case '9':gotoxy(43,12);break; default:{gotoxy(3,15);cout<<"akjdfjadfj";delay(1000);cout<<"Wrong Choice!!";} } cputs("X"); } int dic (char p,char q,char r,char s,char t) //HERE { int m=0; if((p=='1')||(q=='1')||(r=='1')||(s=='1')||(t=='1')) { if((q=='2')||(p=='2')||(r=='2')||(s=='2')||(t=='2')) { if((r=='3')||(p=='3')||(q=='3')||(s=='3')||(t=='3')) m=1; } else if(q=='4'||p=='4'||r=='4'||s=='4'||t=='4') { if(r=='7'||p=='7'||q=='7'||s=='7'||t=='7') m=1; } else if(p=='5'||q=='5'||r=='5'||s=='5'||t=='5') { if(p=='9'||q=='9'||r=='9'||s=='9'||t=='9') m=1; } } else if ((p=='2')||(q=='2')||(r=='2')||(s=='2')||(t=='2')) { if ((p=='5')||(q=='5')||(r=='5')||(s=='5')||(t=='5')) { if ((p=='8')||(q=='8')||(r=='8')||(s=='8')||(t=='8')) m=1; } } else if ((p=='3')||(q=='3')||(r=='3')||(s=='3')||(t=='3')) { if((p=='6')||(q=='6')||(r=='6')||(s=='6')||(t=='6')) { if((p=='9')||(q=='9')||(r=='9')||(s=='9')||(t=='9')) m=1; } else if((p=='5')||(q=='5')||(r=='5')||(s=='5')||(t=='5')) { if((p=='7')||(q=='7')||(r=='7')||(s=='7')||(t=='7')) m=1; } } else if((p=='4')||(q=='4')||(r=='4')||(s=='4')||(t=='4')) { if((p=='5')||(q=='5')||(r=='5')||(s=='5')||(t=='5')) { if((p=='6')||(q=='6')||(r=='6')||(s=='6')||(t=='6')) m=1; } } else if((p=='7')||(q=='7')||(r=='7')||(s=='7')||(t=='7')) { if((p=='8')||(q=='8')||(r=='8')||(s=='8')||(t=='8')) { if((p=='9')||(q=='9')||(r=='9')||(s=='9')||(t=='9')) m=1; } } return(m); } void pre (int a) { switch(a) { case 4:{ vic(8,3); break; } default:cout<<""; } } //end of nots and cross function definitions void table() { textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); textbackground(BLACK); cout<<"a"; clrscr(); cout<<setw(45)<<"PERIODIC TABLE"<<endl; cout<<setw(3)<<"1"<<setw(74)<<"2"<<endl; cout<<setw(3)<<"H"<<setw(76)<<"He\n"<<endl; cout<<setw(3)<<"3"<<setw(4)<<"4"<<setw(51)<<"5"<<setw(4)<<"6"; cout<<setw(4)<<"7"<<setw(4)<<"8"<<setw(4)<<"9"<<setw(4)<<"10"<<endl; cout<<setw(4)<<"Li"<<setw(4)<<"Be"<<setw(50)<<"B"<<setw(4)<<"C"; cout<<setw(4)<<"N"<<setw(4)<<"O"<<setw(4)<<"F"<<setw(4)<<"Ne"<<endl; cout<<setw(25)<<" <---------Transitional Series--------->"; cout<<endl; cout<<setw(4)<<"11"<<setw(4)<<"12"<<setw(50)<<"13"<<setw(4)<<"14"; cout<<setw(4)<<"15"<<setw(4)<<"16"<<setw(4)<<"17"<<setw(4)<<"18"; cout<<endl; cout<<setw(4)<<"Na"<<setw(4)<<"Mg"<<setw(50)<<"Al"<<setw(4)<<"Si"; cout<<setw(3)<<"P"<<setw(4)<<"S"<<setw(5)<<"Cl"<<setw(4)<<"Ar"; cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<setw(4)<<"19"<<setw(4)<<"20"<<setw(7)<<"21"<<setw(4)<<"22"; cout<<setw(4)<<"23"; cout<<setw(4)<<"24"<<setw(4)<<"25"<<setw(4)<<"26"<<setw(4)<<"27"; cout<<setw(4)<<"28"; cout<<setw(5)<<"29"<<setw(5)<<"30"<<setw(5)<<"31"<<setw(4)<<"32"; cout<<setw(4)<<"33"<<setw(4)<<"34"<<setw(4)<<"35"<<setw(4); cout<<"36"<<endl; cout<<setw(3)<<"K"<<setw(5)<<"Ca"<<setw(7)<<"Se"<<setw(4)<<"Ti"; cout<<setw(4)<<"V"<<setw(4)<<"Cr"<<setw(4)<<"Mn"<<setw(4)<<"Fe"; cout<<setw(4)<<"Co"<<setw(4)<<"Ni"<<setw(5)<<"Cu"<<setw(5)<<"Zn"; cout<<setw(5)<<"Ga"<<setw(4)<<"Ge"<<setw(4)<<"As"<<setw(4)<<"Se"; cout<<setw(4)<<"Br"<<setw(4)<<"Kr"<<endl<<endl; cout<<setw(4)<<"37"<<setw(4)<<"38"<<setw(7)<<"39"<<setw(4)<<"40"; cout<<setw(4)<<"41"; cout<<setw(4)<<"42"<<setw(4)<<"43"<<setw(4)<<"44"<<setw(4)<<"45"; cout<<setw(4)<<"46"; cout<<setw(5)<<"47"<<setw(5)<<"48"<<setw(5)<<"49"<<setw(4)<<"50"; cout<<setw(4)<<"51"<<setw(4)<<"52"<<setw(4)<<"53"<<setw(4); cout<<"54"<<endl; cout<<setw(4)<<"Rb"<<setw(4)<<"Sr"<<setw(6)<<"Y"<<setw(5)<<"Zr"; cout<<setw(4)<<"Nb"<<setw(4)<<"Mo"<<setw(4)<<"Tc"<<setw(4)<<"Ru"; cout<<setw(4)<<"Rb"<<setw(4)<<"Pd"<<setw(5)<<"Ag"<<setw(5)<<"Cd"; cout<<setw(5)<<"In"<<setw(4)<<"Sn"<<setw(4)<<"Sb"<<setw(4)<<"Te"; cout<<setw(3)<<"I"<<setw(5)<<"Xe"<<endl<<endl; cout<<setw(4)<<"55"<<setw(4)<<"56"<<setw(8)<<"57*"<<setw(3)<<"72"; cout<<setw(4)<<"73"; cout<<setw(4)<<"74"<<setw(4)<<"75"<<setw(4)<<"76"<<setw(4)<<"77"; cout<<setw(4)<<"78"; cout<<setw(5)<<"79"<<setw(5)<<"80"<<setw(5)<<"81"<<setw(4)<<"82"; cout<<setw(4)<<"83"<<setw(4)<<"84"<<setw(4)<<"85"<<setw(4); cout<<"86"<<endl; cout<<setw(4)<<"Cs"<<setw(4)<<"Ba"<<setw(7)<<"La"<<setw(4)<<"Hf"; cout<<setw(4)<<"Ta"<<setw(4)<<"W"<<setw(4)<<"Re"<<setw(4)<<"Os"; cout<<setw(4)<<"Ir"<<setw(4)<<"Pt"<<setw(5)<<"Au"<<setw(5)<<"Hg"; cout<<setw(5)<<"Ti"<<setw(4)<<"Pb"<<setw(4)<<"Bi"<<setw(4)<<"Po"; cout<<setw(3)<<"Ar"<<setw(5)<<"Rn"<<endl<<endl; cout<<setw(4)<<"87"<<setw(4)<<"88"<<setw(8)<<"89*"<<setw(4)<<"104"; cout<<setw(4)<<"105"<<setw(4)<<"106"<<setw(4)<<"107"<<endl; cout<<setw(4)<<"Fr"<<setw(4)<<"Ra"<<setw(7)<<"Ac"<<setw(5)<<"Unq"; cout<<setw(4)<<"Unp"<<setw(4)<<"Unh"<<setw(4)<<"Uns"; cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<"Press any key and Enter to continue"<<endl; getch(); clrscr(); { clrscr(); cout<<" *Lanthanides\n"<<endl; cout<<setw(5)<<"58"<<setw(5)<<"59"<<setw(5)<<"60"<<setw(5)<<"61"; cout<<setw(5)<<"62"; cout<<setw(5)<<"63"<<setw(5)<<"64"<<setw(5)<<"65"<<setw(5)<<"66"; cout<<setw(5)<<"67"; cout<<setw(5)<<"68"<<setw(5)<<"69"<<setw(5)<<"70"<<setw(5)<<"71\n"; cout<<setw(5)<<"Ce"<<setw(5)<<"Pi"<<setw(5)<<"Nd"<<setw(5)<<"Pm"; cout<<setw(5)<<"Sm"; cout<<setw(5)<<"Eu"<<setw(5)<<"Gd"<<setw(5)<<"Tb"<<setw(5)<<"Dy"; cout<<setw(5)<<"Ho"; cout<<setw(5)<<"Er"<<setw(5)<<"Tm"<<setw(5)<<"Yb"<<setw(4)<<"Lu"; cout<<endl<<endl; cout<<" *Actinides"<<endl<<endl; cout<<setw(5)<<"90"<<setw(5)<<"91"<<setw(5)<<"92"<<setw(5)<<"93"; cout<<setw(5)<<"94"; cout<<setw(5)<<"95"<<setw(5)<<"96"<<setw(5)<<"97"<<setw(5)<<"98"; cout<<setw(5)<<"99"; cout<<setw(6)<<"100"<<setw(5)<<"101"<<setw(5)<<"102"<<setw(5); cout<<"103\n"; cout<<setw(5)<<"Th"<<setw(5)<<"Pa"<<setw(5)<<"U"<<setw(5)<<"Np"<<setw(5)<<"Pu"; cout<<setw(5)<<"Am"; cout<<setw(5)<<"Cm"<<setw(5)<<"Bk"<<setw(5)<<"Cf"<<setw(5)<<"Es"; cout<<setw(5)<<"Fm"; cout<<setw(5)<<"Md"<<setw(5)<<"No"<<setw(4)<<"Lr"; cout<<endl; } } void element() { getch(); clrscr(); int a; int cl4=0; textcolor(cl4+3); textbackground(0); cout<<"a"; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<" "; cout<<"Enter the atomic number for elemental information\n"; cout<<setw(37)<<" "; cin>>a; clrscr(); int cl6=0; textcolor(cl6+10); textbackground(0); cout<<"a"; clrscr(); switch(a) {case 1: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : H\n"; cout<<"Name : Hydrogen\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 1.00797\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/cubic\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 46\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 154\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 13.598 , -\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.76\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.1\n"; cout<<"Density : 0.08987\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 14.01\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 20.4\n"; break; case 2: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : He\n"; cout<<"Name : Helium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 4.003\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/cubic\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 176\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 0\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : -\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 24.587 , 54.416\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -0.53\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : -\n"; cout<<"Density : 0.166\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 0.95\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 4.21\n"; break; case 3: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Li\n"; cout<<"Name : Lithium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 6.94\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp 74/fcc/bcc 140\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 152\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 68\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.392 , 75.638\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.82\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.0\n"; cout<<"Density : 534\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 452\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1590\n"; break; case 4: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Be\n"; cout<<"Name : Beryllium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 9.01\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/cubic 1527\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radii : 112\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 35\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 9.322 , 18.211\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.30\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.5\n"; cout<<"Density : 1800\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1550\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3243\n"; break; case 5: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : B\n"; cout<<"Name : Boron\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 10.81\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : ortho\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 88\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 23\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 8.298 , 25.154\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.33\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.0\n"; cout<<"Density : 2500\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 2600\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2820\n"; break; case 6: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : C\n"; cout<<"Name : Carbon\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 12.01\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hex/cubic\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 71/77\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation number : 4+ , 4-\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 260\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 11.260 , 24.383\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 1.25\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.5\n"; cout<<"Density : 2300\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : >3800\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 5100\n"; break; case 7: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : N\n"; cout<<"Name : Nitrogen\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 14.01\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : cubic 35.4/hcp\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 71\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+ , 5+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 16 , 13\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 14.534 , 29.601\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.05\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 3.0\n"; cout<<"Density : 1.165\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 63.3\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 77.3\n"; break; case 8: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : O\n"; cout<<"Name : Oxygen\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 16.00\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : rhombic\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 60\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation number : 2-\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 132\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 13.618 , 35.116\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 1.471\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 3.5\n"; cout<<"Density : 1.33\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 54.7\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 90.2\n"; break; case 9: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : F\n"; cout<<"Name : Fluorine\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 19.00\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : -\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 60\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1- , 7+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 133 , 8\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 17.422 , 34.97\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 3.448\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 4.0\n"; cout<<"Density : 1.7\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 53.5\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 85.01\n"; break; case 10: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ne\n"; cout<<"Name : Neon\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 20.18\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 160\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 0\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : -\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 21.564 , 40.962\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -0.57\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : -\n"; cout<<"Density : 0.839\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 24.5\n"; cout<<"Boiling P oint : 27.2\n"; break; case 11: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Na\n"; cout<<"Name : Sodium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 22.99\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 185\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 97\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.139 , 47.286\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.84\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 0.9\n"; cout<<"Density : 970\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 371\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1165\n"; break; case 12: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Mg\n"; cout<<"Name : Magnesium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 24.31\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 160\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+ , 2+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 82 , 66\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.646 , 15.035\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -0.32\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 1741\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 924\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1380\n"; break; case 13: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Al\n"; cout<<"Name : Aluminium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 26.98\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 142\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 51\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.986 , 18.828\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.5\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.5\n"; cout<<"Density : 2700\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 933.2\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2740\n"; break; case 14: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Si\n"; cout<<"Name : Silicon\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 28.09\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : cubic\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 118\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 4+ , 4-\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 42 , 38\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 8.151 , 16.345\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 1.5\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.8\n"; cout<<"Density : 2300\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1680\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2628\n"; break; case 15: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : P\n"; cout<<"Name : Phosphorus\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 30.97\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : cubic\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : -\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+ , 5+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 44 , 35\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 10.486 , 19.725\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.8\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.1\n"; cout<<"Density : 2200(r) , 1800(y)\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 317.2\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 552\n"; break; case 16: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : S\n"; cout<<"Name : Sulphur\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 32.06\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fc ortho\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 106\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2- , 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 184 , 37\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 10.360 , 23.33\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 2.07\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.5\n"; cout<<"Density : 2070\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 386\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 717.7\n"; break; case 17: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Cl\n"; cout<<"Name : Chlorine\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 35.45\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : tetra\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 91\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1- , 5+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 181 , 34\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 12.967 , 23.81\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 3.615\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 3.0\n"; cout<<"Density : 3.21\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 172.1\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 238.5\n"; break; case 18: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ar\n"; cout<<"Name : Argon\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 39.95\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 174\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 0(1+)\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 154\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 15.759 , 27.629\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -1.0\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : -\n"; cout<<"Density : 1.66\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 83.7\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 87.4\n"; break; case 19: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : K\n"; cout<<"Name : Potassium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 39.10\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 231\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 133\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 4.341 , 31.625\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.82\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 0.8\n"; cout<<"Density : 860\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 336.8\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1047\n"; break; case 20: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ca\n"; cout<<"Name : Calcium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 40.08\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc/bcc 737\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 196\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 99\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.113 , 11.871\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.0\n"; cout<<"Density : 1540\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1120\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1760\n"; break; case 21: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Sc\n"; cout<<"Name : Scandium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 44.96\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/fcc 1223\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 160\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 73\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.54 , 12.80\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.3\n"; cout<<"Density : 3000\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1812\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3000\n"; break; case 22: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ti\n"; cout<<"Name : Titanium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 47.90\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/bcc 1158\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 146\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 68\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.82 , 13.58\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.39\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.5\n"; cout<<"Density : 4540\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1948\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3530\n"; break; case 23: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : V\n"; cout<<"Name : Vanadium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 50.94\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 131\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+ , 5+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 74 , 59\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.74 , 14.65\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.6\n"; cout<<"Density : 6100\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 2160\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3300\n"; break; case 24: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Cr\n"; cout<<"Name : Chromium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 52.00\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 125\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+ , 6+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 63 , 52\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.766 , 1650\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.98\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.6\n"; cout<<"Density : 7200\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 2160\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2755\n"; break; case 25: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Mn\n"; cout<<"Name : Manganese\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 54.94\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : cubic\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 112\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+ , 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 80 , 66\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.435 , 15.640\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.5\n"; cout<<"Density : 7440\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1517\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2370\n"; break; case 26: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Fe\n"; cout<<"Name : Iron\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 55.85\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bcc 1180/fcc 1670/bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 123\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+ , 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 74 , 64\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.87 , 16.18\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.6\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.8\n"; cout<<"Density : 7870\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1808\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3300\n"; break; case 27: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Co\n"; cout<<"Name : Cobalt\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 58.93\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/fcc 690\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 125\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+ , 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 72 , 63\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.86 , 17.06\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.9\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.8\n"; cout<<"Density : 8900\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1765\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3170\n"; break; case 28: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ni\n"; cout<<"Name : Nickel\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 58.71\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 124\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+ , 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 69\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.635 , 18.168\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 1.3\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.8\n"; cout<<"Density : 8900\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1726\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3005\n"; break; case 29: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Cu\n"; cout<<"Name : Copper\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 63.55\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 128\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+ , 2+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 96 , 72\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.726 , 20.292\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 1.8\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.9\n"; cout<<"Density : 8930\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1356\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2868\n"; break; case 30: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Zn\n"; cout<<"Name : Zinc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 65.37\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 133\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 74\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 9.394 , 17.964\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.6\n"; cout<<"Density : 7140\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 692.6\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1180\n"; break; case 31: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ga\n"; cout<<"Name : Gallium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 69.72\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc or ortho\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 121\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+ , 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 81 , 62\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.999 , 20.51\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.6\n"; cout<<"Density : 5950\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 302.9\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2676\n"; break; case 32: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ge\n"; cout<<"Name : Germanium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 72.59\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : cubic(diam)\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 122\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 53\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.899 , 15.934\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.8\n"; cout<<"Density : 5400\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1210.5\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3100\n"; break; case 33: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : As\n"; cout<<"Name : Arsenic\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 74.92\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : rhombic\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 125\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+ , 5+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 58 , 46\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 9.81 , 18.633\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.0\n"; cout<<"Density : 5730\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1090(25 atm)\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 886(sub)\n"; break; case 34: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Se\n"; cout<<"Name : Selenium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 78.96\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 116\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2-\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 191\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 9.752 , 21.19\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 3.7\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.4\n"; cout<<"Density : 4810\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 490\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 958\n"; break; case 35: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Br\n"; cout<<"Name : Bromine\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 79.90\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : ortho\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 114\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1- , 5+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 196 , 47\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 11.814 , 21.8\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 3.363\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.8\n"; cout<<"Density : 3100\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 265.9\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 331.9\n"; break; case 36: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Kr\n"; cout<<"Name : Krypton\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 83.80\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 201\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 0\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : -\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 13.999 , 24.359\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : -\n"; cout<<"Density : 3.49\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 116.5\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 120.8\n"; break; case 37: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Rb\n"; cout<<"Name : Rubidium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 85.47\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 246\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii :147\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 4.177 , 27.28\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.4\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 0.8\n"; cout<<"Density : 1530\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 312.0\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 961\n"; break; case 38: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Sr\n"; cout<<"Name : Strontium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 87.62\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc 506/hcp/bcc 813\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 215\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 112\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.695 , 11.030\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.0\n"; cout<<"Density : 2600\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1042\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1657\n"; break; case 39: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Y\n"; cout<<"Name : Yttrium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 88.91\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/bcc 1763\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 181\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 89\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.38 , 12.24\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 4600\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1768\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3200\n"; break; case 40: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Zr\n"; cout<<"Name : Zirconium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 91.22\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/bcc 1100\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 160\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 79\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.84 , 13.13\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.4\n"; cout<<"Density : 6500\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 2125\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3851\n"; break; case 41: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Nb\n"; cout<<"Name : Niobium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 92.91\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 143\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 5+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 69\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.88 , 14.32\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.6\n"; cout<<"Density : 8.570\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 2741\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 5200\n"; break; case 42: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Mo\n"; cout<<"Name : Molybdenum\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 95.94\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 136\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 4+ , 6+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 70 , 62\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.099 , 16.15\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity :1.0\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.8\n"; cout<<"Density : 10200\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 2880\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 5830\n"; break; case 43: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Tc\n"; cout<<"Name : Technetium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 98.91\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 135\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 7+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 98\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.28 , 15.26\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.9\n"; cout<<"Density : 11400\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 2500\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 4900\n"; break; case 44: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ru\n"; cout<<"Name : Ruthenium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 101.07\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 133\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 67\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.374 , 16.76\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 12400\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 2520\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 4200\n"; break; case 45: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Rh\n"; cout<<"Name : Rhodium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 102.91\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 134\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 68\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.46 , 18.08\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 1240\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 2230\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 4000\n"; break; case 46: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Pd\n"; cout<<"Name : Palladium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 106.4\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 137\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+ , 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 80 , 65\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 8.34 , 19.43\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 12000\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1825\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3200\n"; break; case 47: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ag\n"; cout<<"Name : Silver\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 107.87\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc/hcp 5\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 144\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 126\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.576 , 21.49\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 2.5\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.9\n"; cout<<"Density : 10500\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1234\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2485\n"; break; case 48: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Cd\n"; cout<<"Name : Cadmium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 112.40\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 148\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 97\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 8.993 , 16.908\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.7\n"; cout<<"Density : 8650\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 594.2\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1038\n"; break; case 49: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : In\n"; cout<<"Name : Indium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 114.82\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bc tetra\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 162\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 81\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.786 , 18.869\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.7\n"; cout<<"Density : 7310\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 429.8\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2300\n"; break; case 50: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Sn\n"; cout<<"Name : Tin\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 118.69\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : cub(diam)/bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 140\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+ , 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 93 , 71\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.344 , 14.632\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.8\n"; cout<<"Density : 7300\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 505.1\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2540\n"; break; case 51: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Sb\n"; cout<<"Name : Antimony\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 121.75\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : rhombic\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 145\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+ , 5+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 76 , 62\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 8.641 , 16.53\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : >2.0\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.9\n"; cout<<"Density : 6700\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 903.7\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1650\n"; break; case 52: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Te\n"; cout<<"Name : Tellurium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 127.60\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 143\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2-\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 211\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 9.009 , 18.6\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 3.6\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.1\n"; cout<<"Density : 6240\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 722.6\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1260\n"; break; case 53: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : I\n"; cout<<"Name : Iodine\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 126.90\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : ortho\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 135\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1-\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 216\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 10.451 , 19.131\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 3.070\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.5\n"; cout<<"Density : 4940\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 386.6\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 457.4\n"; break; case 54: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Xe\n"; cout<<"Name : Xenon\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 131.30\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 221\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 0\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : -\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 12.130 , 21.21\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : -\n"; cout<<"Density : 5.50\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 161.2\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 166.0\n"; break; case 55: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Cs\n"; cout<<"Name : Caesium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 132.90\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 262\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 167\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 3.894 , 25.1\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : >0.19\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 0.7\n"; cout<<"Density : 1870\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 301.6\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 960\n"; break; case 56: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ba\n"; cout<<"Name : Barium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 137.34\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 217\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 134\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.212 , 10.004\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 0.9\n"; cout<<"Density : 3600\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1000\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1910\n"; break; case 57: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : La\n"; cout<<"Name : Lanthanum\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 138.91\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp 583/fcc/bcc 1137\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 187\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+ , 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 139 , 102\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.577 , 11.06\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.1\n"; cout<<"Density : 6150\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1190\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3742\n"; break; case 58: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ce\n"; cout<<"Name : Cerium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 140.12\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc 95/hex/fcc 263/bcc 998\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 183\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+ , 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 103 , 92\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.47 , 10.85\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.1\n"; cout<<"Density : 6800\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1070\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3740\n"; break; case 59: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Pr\n"; cout<<"Name : Praseodymium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 140.91\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/bcc 1065\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 182\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 101\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.42 , 10.55 \n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.1\n"; cout<<"Density : 6800\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1208\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3400\n"; break; case 60: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Nd\n"; cout<<"Name : Neodymium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 144.24\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/bcc 1135\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 181\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 100\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.49 , 10.72\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.1\n"; cout<<"Density : 6960\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1297\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3300\n"; break; case 61: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Pm\n"; cout<<"Name : Promethium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 145\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : -\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : -\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 98\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.55 , 10.90\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.1\n"; cout<<"Density : -\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1308\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3000\n"; break; case 62: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Sm\n"; cout<<"Name : Samarium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 150.35\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : rhombic 1190/bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 179\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 96\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.63 , 11.07\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.1\n"; cout<<"Density : 7500\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1345\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2200\n"; break; case 63: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Eu\n"; cout<<"Name : Europium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 151.96\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 198\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+ , 2+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 95 , 109\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.67 , 11.25\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.1\n"; cout<<"Density : 5200\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1100\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1712\n"; break; case 64: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Gd\n"; cout<<"Name : Gadolinium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 157.25\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/bcc 1537\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 178\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 94\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.14 , 12.1\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 7900\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1585\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3000\n"; break; case 65: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Tb\n"; cout<<"Name : Terbium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 158.92\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/rhombic 1590\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 177\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 92\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.85 , 11.52\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 8300\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1629\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3100\n"; break; case 66: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Dy\n"; cout<<"Name : Dysprosium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 162.50\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : rhombic/hcp 86\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 175\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 91\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.93 , 11.67\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 8500\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1680\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2900\n"; break; case 67: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ho\n"; cout<<"Name : Holmium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 164.93\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 176\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 89\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.02 , 11.80\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 8800\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1734\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2900\n"; break; case 68: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Er\n"; cout<<"Name : Erbium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 167.26\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 173\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 88\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.10 , 11.93\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 9000\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1770\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3200\n"; break; case 69: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Tm\n"; cout<<"Name : Thulium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 168.93\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/bcc 1158\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 174\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 87\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.18 , 12.05\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 9300\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1818\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2000\n"; break; case 70: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Yb\n"; cout<<"Name : Ytterbium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 173.04\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc/bcc 1071\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 193\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 86\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.254 , 12.17\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 7000\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1097\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1700\n"; break; case 71: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Lu\n"; cout<<"Name : Lutetium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 174.97\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 173\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 85\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.426 , 13.9\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 9800\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1925\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3600\n"; break; case 72: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Hf\n"; cout<<"Name : Hafnium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 178.49\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/bcc 2050\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 158\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 78\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.0 , 14.9\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -0\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.3\n"; cout<<"Density : 13300\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 2423\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 5700\n"; break; case 73: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ta\n"; cout<<"Name : Tantalum\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 180.95\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 143\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 5+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 68\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.89 , 16.2\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.5\n"; cout<<"Density : 16600\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 3269\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 5698\n"; break; case 74: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : W\n"; cout<<"Name : Tungsten\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 183.85\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : bcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 137\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 6+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 62\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.98 , 17.7\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.5\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.7\n"; cout<<"Density : 19320\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 3650\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 6200\n"; break; case 75: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Re\n"; cout<<"Name : Rhenium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 186.2\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 137\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 72\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.88 , 16.6\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.15\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.9\n"; cout<<"Density : 20500\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 3450\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 5900\n"; break; case 76: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Os\n"; cout<<"Name : Osmium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 190.2\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 135\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 69\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 8.7 , 17.0\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 22480\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 3300\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 4900\n"; break; case 77: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ir\n"; cout<<"Name : Iridium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 192.2\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 135\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 68\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 9.1 \n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 22420\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 2716\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 4800\n"; break; case 78: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Pt\n"; cout<<"Name : Platinum\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 195.09\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 138\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+ , 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 80 , 65\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 9.0 , 18.563\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.2\n"; cout<<"Density : 21450\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 2042\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 4100\n"; break; case 79: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Au\n"; cout<<"Name : Gold\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 196.97\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 144\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+ , 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 137 , 85\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 9.225 , 20.5\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 2.1\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.4\n"; cout<<"Density : 19300\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1336.1\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3239\n"; break; case 80: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Hg\n"; cout<<"Name : Mercury\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 200.59\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : rhombic\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 156\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+ , 2+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 127 , 110\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 10.437 , 18.756\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 1.54\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.9\n"; cout<<"Density : 13590\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 234.3\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 629.7\n"; break; case 81: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Tl\n"; cout<<"Name : Thallium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 204.37\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : hcp/fcc 503\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 171\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 147\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.108 , 20.428\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.8\n"; cout<<"Density : 11860\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 576.6\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1730\n"; break; case 82: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Pb\n"; cout<<"Name : Lead\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 207.19\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 174\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+ , 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 120 , 84\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.416 , 15.032\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.8\n"; cout<<"Density : 11340\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 600.4\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 2017\n"; break; case 83: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Bi\n"; cout<<"Name : Bismuth\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 208.98\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : rhombic\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 155\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+ , 5+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 96 , 74\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 7.289 , 16.69\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : >0.7\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.9\n"; cout<<"Density : 9800\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 544.4\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1830\n"; break; case 84: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Po\n"; cout<<"Name : Polonium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 209\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : monoclinic\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 168\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+ , 6+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : - , 67\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 8.42 , 19.4\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.0\n"; cout<<"Density : 9400\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 527\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1235\n"; break; case 85: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : At\n"; cout<<"Name : Astatine \n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 210\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : -\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : -\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 7+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 62\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 9.5 \n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 2.2\n"; cout<<"Density : -\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 520\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 623\n"; break; case 86: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Rn\n"; cout<<"Name : Radon\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 222\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : -\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : -\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 0\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : -\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 10.748\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : -\n"; cout<<"Density : 9.73\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 202\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 211.3\n"; break; case 87: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Fr\n"; cout<<"Name : Francium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 223\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : -\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : -\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 1+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 187\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 4.0\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 0.7\n"; cout<<"Density : -\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 303\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 920\n"; break; case 88: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ra\n"; cout<<"Name : Radium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 226\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : -\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : -\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 2+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 143\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 5.279 , 10.147\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 0.9\n"; cout<<"Density : 5000\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 970\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 1410\n"; break; case 89: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Ac\n"; cout<<"Name : Actinium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 227\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 188\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 118\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.9 , 12.1\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.1\n"; cout<<"Density : 10100\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1320\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 3470\n"; break; case 90: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Th\n"; cout<<"Name : Thorium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 232.04\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : fcc/bcc 1673\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 180\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 102\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.95 , 11.5\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.3\n"; cout<<"Density : 11500\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 2000\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 4500\n"; break; case 91: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Pa\n"; cout<<"Name : Protoactinium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 231\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : tetra\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 160\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 3+ , 4+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 113 , 98\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : -\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : -\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.5\n"; cout<<"Density : 15400\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1500\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 4300\n"; break; case 92: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : U\n"; cout<<"Name : Uranium\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight : 238.03\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure : rhombic/tetra 941\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius : 138\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number : 4+ , 6+\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii : 97 , 80\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy : 6.08\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity : 0.94\n"; cout<<"Electronegativity : 1.7\n"; cout<<"Density : 19050\n"; cout<<"Melting Point : 1405.4\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point : 4091\n"; break; case 93: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<"Symbol : Np\n"; cout<<"Name\n"; cout<<"Atomic Weight\n"; cout<<"Crystal Structure\n"; cout<<"Atomic Radius\n"; cout<<"Principle Oxidation Number\n"; cout<<"Ionic Radii\n"; cout<<"Ionization Energy\n"; cout<<"Electron Affinity\n"; cout<<"Electron Negativity\n"; cout<<"Density\n"; cout<<"Melting Point:\n"; cout<<"Boiling Point:\n"; break; default: cout<<"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"; cout<<setw(52)<<"Element Not Available\n"; } } void modified() { clrscr(); textbackground(BLACK); textcolor(GREEN); cout<<"a"; clrscr(); gotoxy(26,12); cputs("You will be out in 10 seconds "); gotoxy(44,12); cputs(" 10 "); sound(600); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(500); nosound(); gotoxy(44,12); cputs(" 9 "); sound(600); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(500); nosound(); gotoxy(44,12); cputs(" 8 "); sound(600); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(500); nosound(); gotoxy(44,12); cputs(" 7 "); sound(600); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(500); nosound(); gotoxy(44,12); cputs(" 6 "); sound(600); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(500); nosound(); gotoxy(44,12); cputs(" 5 "); sound(600); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(500); nosound(); gotoxy(44,12); cputs(" 4 "); sound(600); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(500); nosound(); gotoxy(44,12); cputs(" 3 "); sound(600); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(500); nosound(); gotoxy(44,12); cputs(" 2 "); sound(600); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(500); nosound(); gotoxy(44,12); cputs(" 1 "); sound(600); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(500); nosound(); gotoxy(44,12); cputs(" 0 "); sound(600); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(500); nosound(); exit(0); } void ending() { clrscr(); textcolor(YELLOW); int i,j; for(j=13,i=20;j>-1,i<50;j--,i++) { delay(70); gotoxy(i,6); cputs("Í"); gotoxy(i,13); cputs("Í"); } for(j=13;j>6;j--) { delay(70); gotoxy(19,j); cputs("º"); gotoxy(49,j); cputs("º"); } gotoxy(19,6); cputs("É"); gotoxy(49,6); cputs("»"); gotoxy(19,13); cputs("È"); gotoxy(49,13); cputs("¼"); gotoxy (20,7); cputs("Thank"); gotoxy (26,7); delay(250); cputs("you"); gotoxy (30,7); cputs("for"); delay(250); gotoxy(34,7); cputs("playing."); delay(250); gotoxy(20,9); cputs("Hope you enjoyed. "); gotoxy (20,11); delay(250); cputs("Write to us at"); gotoxy(20,12); delay(250); cputs(""); delay(5000); exit(0); } void main() //starting of main { clrscr(); textbackground(BLACK); cout<<"a"; clrscr(); { clrscr(); int i,j; textcolor(MAGENTA); for (i=2;i<24;i++) { delay(200); gotoxy(i,11); cputs(" This program is copyright protected. "); gotoxy(i,12); cputs(" Copying this program is illegal. "); gotoxy(i,13); cputs(" Tresspassers would be punished. "); if (i==22) { textcolor(15+BLINK); } if(i==23) { delay(10000); } } clrscr(); textcolor(GREEN); gotoxy(21,12); cputs("Unauthorised authority acess will be denied"); gotoxy(27,14); cputs("Enter password (4): "); char c[4]; c[0]=getch(); c[1]=getch(); c[2]=getch(); c[3]=getch(); if((c[0]=='n')&&(c[1]=='a')&&(c[2]=='v')&&(c[3]=='i')) { clrscr(); gotoxy(37,12); cputs("WELCOME"); delay(5000); }else { clrscr(); textcolor(YELLOW+BLINK); gotoxy(31,13); cputs("UNAUTHORISED ACCESS !!!"); sound(1000); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(300); nosound(); sound(1000); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(300); nosound(); sound(1000); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(300); nosound(); sound(1000); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(300); nosound(); sound(1000); delay(500); nosound(); sound(7); delay(300); nosound(); clrscr(); scan(); error(); torture(); con(); modified(); } } starting(); int selection; char choice; do{ clrscr(); textcolor(WHITE); textbackground(BLACK); cout<<"a"; clrscr(); gotoxy(39,3); cputs("INDEX"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(3,5); cputs("1. PERIODIC TABLE "); gotoxy(3,6); cputs("2. ENTERTAINMENT "); gotoxy(3,7); cputs("3. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT"); gotoxy(3,8); cputs("4. EXIT"); gotoxy(3,14); cputs("ENTER YOUR SELECTION : "); cin>>selection; switch(selection) { case 1: table(); char v; do{ element(); getch(); clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n\Do you need to see any other elemental details (Y/N)"; cin>>v; }while((v=='y')||(v=='Y')); break; case 2: { { clrscr(); int i,j,c,r; int g=2; textcolor(WHITE); clrscr(); delay(1000); clrscr(); gotoxy(25,5); cputs("OOO OO OOO OOOOOOOO OOOO"); gotoxy(25,6); cputs("OO O OO O O OOO O "); gotoxy(25,7); cputs("OO O OO O O OOO OOOO "); gotoxy(25,8); cputs("OO O OO O O OOO O"); gotoxy(25,9); cputs("OO OO OOO OOO OOOO "); gotoxy(33,11); cputs(" OO"); gotoxy(33,12); cputs(" O O"); gotoxy(33,13); cputs(" O "); gotoxy(33,14); cputs(" O O O"); gotoxy(33,15); cputs(" O O "); gotoxy(33,16); cputs(" OOOO O"); gotoxy(9,18); cputs(" XXX XXXXX XXX XXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX"); gotoxy(9,19); cputs(" X X X X X X X X X X "); gotoxy(9,20); cputs(" X X X X X XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXXX "); gotoxy(9,21); cputs(" X X X X X X X X X X "); gotoxy(9,22); cputs(" XXX X X XXX XXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX "); delay(4000); start: das(); cout<<"\n\n 1.Play Nots & Crossess\n 2.Options\n 3.About\n 4.Help \n5.Exit\ \n\n Enter your choice:"; cin>>c; if (c==2) { clrscr(); doc(); gotoxy(35,4); cout<<"Options\n\n 1. Colour of the game\n 2. Type of board\n 3. Back"; cout<<"\nEnter Your Choice:"; cin>>i; if (i==3) goto start; else if (i==1) { clrscr(); doc(); gotoxy(1,4); textcolor(BLUE); cputs("1: BLUE"); gotoxy(1,5); textcolor(GREEN); cputs("2: GREEN"); textcolor(RED); gotoxy(1,6); cputs("3: RED"); textcolor(BROWN); gotoxy(1,7); cputs("4: BROWN"); textcolor(BLACK); gotoxy(1,8); cputs("5: BLACK");textcolor(WHITE);cputs(" (You can't see black in a black background)"); textcolor(CYAN); gotoxy(1,9); cputs("6: CYAN"); textcolor(MAGENTA); gotoxy(1,10); cputs("7: MAGENTA"); textcolor(LIGHTGRAY); gotoxy(1,11); cputs("8: LIGHTGRAY"); textcolor(DARKGRAY); gotoxy(1,12); cputs("9: DARKGRAY"); textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); gotoxy(1,13); cputs("10: LIGHTBLUE"); textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); gotoxy(1,14); cputs("11: LIGHTGREEN"); textcolor(LIGHTCYAN); gotoxy(1,15); cputs("12: LIGHTCYAN"); textcolor(LIGHTRED); gotoxy(1,16); cputs("13: LIGHTRED"); textcolor(LIGHTMAGENTA); gotoxy(1,17); cputs("14: LIGHTMAGENTA"); textcolor(YELLOW); gotoxy(1,18); cputs("15: YELLOW"); textcolor(WHITE); gotoxy(1,19); cputs("16: WHITE"); cout<<">> "; cin>>r; if(r == 1) textcolor(BLUE); else if(r == 2) textcolor(GREEN); else if(r == 3) textcolor(RED); else if(r == 4) textcolor(BROWN); else if(r == 5) textcolor(BLACK); else if(r == 6) textcolor(CYAN); else if(r == 7) textcolor(MAGENTA); else if(r == 8) textcolor(LIGHTGRAY); else if(r == 9) textcolor(DARKGRAY); else if(r == 10) textcolor(LIGHTBLUE); else if(r == 11) textcolor(LIGHTGREEN); else if(r == 12) textcolor(LIGHTCYAN); else if(r == 13) textcolor(LIGHTRED); else if(r == 14) textcolor(LIGHTMAGENTA); else if(r == 15) textcolor(YELLOW); else if(r == 16) textcolor(WHITE); goto start; } else if (i==2); { clrscr(); doc(); { gotoxy(9,3); cputs("Board No-1"); for(int i=3;i<24;i++) { gotoxy(i,7); cputs("Ä"); } for (i=3;i<24;i++) { gotoxy(i,10); cputs("Ä"); } for (i=5;i<14;i++) { gotoxy(8,i); cputs("³"); } for (i=5;i<14;i++) { gotoxy(18,i); cputs("³"); } gotoxy(8,7); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(18,7); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(8,10); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(18,10); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(7,5); cputs("1"); gotoxy(17,5); cputs("2"); gotoxy(24,5); cputs("3"); gotoxy(7,8); cputs("4"); gotoxy(17,8); cputs("5"); gotoxy(24,8); cputs("6"); gotoxy(7,11); cputs("7"); gotoxy(17,11); cputs("8"); gotoxy(24,11); cputs("9"); for(i=44;i<67;i++) { gotoxy(i,7); cputs("Ä"); gotoxy(i,10); cputs("Ä"); } for(i=44;i<67;i++) { gotoxy(i,4); cputs("Ä"); gotoxy(i,13); cputs("Ä"); } for (i=4;i<14;i++) { gotoxy(51,i); cputs("³"); gotoxy(60,i); cputs("³"); } for(i=4;i<13;i++) { gotoxy(67,i); cputs("³"); gotoxy(44,i); cputs("³"); } gotoxy(51,7); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(60,7); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(51,10); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(60,10); cputs("Å"); gotoxy(67,4); cputs("¿"); gotoxy(44,4); cputs("Ú"); gotoxy(67,13); cputs("Ù"); gotoxy(44,13); cputs("À"); gotoxy(51,13); cputs("Á"); gotoxy(60,13); cputs("Á"); gotoxy(51,4); cputs("Â"); gotoxy(60,4); cputs("Â"); gotoxy(44,7); cputs("Ã"); gotoxy(44,10); cputs("Ã"); gotoxy(67,7); cputs("´"); gotoxy(67,10); cputs("´"); gotoxy(50,5); cputs("1"); gotoxy(59,5); cputs("2"); gotoxy(66,5); cputs("3"); gotoxy(50,8); cputs("4"); gotoxy(59,8); cputs("5"); gotoxy(66,8); cputs("6"); gotoxy(50,11); cputs("7"); gotoxy(59,11); cputs("8"); gotoxy(66,11); cputs("9"); gotoxy(51,3); cputs("Board No-2"); } gotoxy(1,17); cout<<"Enter the type of Board you like\n"; cin>>g; goto start; } } if(c==1) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n"<<setw(45)<<"NOTS & CROSSESS\n"<<setw(46)<<"The gaming software"; cout<<"\n\n 1. Computer Vs Human\n 2. Human Vs Human\n 3. Back"; cout<<"\nEnter your choice:"; cin>>c; if (c==1) { clrscr(); //COMP VS MAN (START) int a; char ch; clrscr(); doc(); cout<<"\n\n Enter your Name:"; char name[10]; cin>>name; do{ clrscr(); cout<<"\t\t\t\t TIC TAC TOE\n\t\t\tThe gaming software\n"; if (g==1) col1(); else if (g==2) col(); else col(); gotoxy(1,2); cout<<name; a=in(3); if (a==5) // START 5 { au(7); a=in(4); if (a==1) { au(9); a=in(5); if(a==4) { vic(8,3); goto end; } else if (a==8) { au(2); a=in(6); if (a==3) { au(4); bl(6); } else if (a==4) { au(6); bl(3); } else if (a==6) { au(4); bl(3); } } else {vic(8,3);goto end;} } else if (a==2) { au(8); a=in(5); if (a==9) { au(1); a=in(6); if (a==4) { au(6); bl(3); } else if (a==3||a==6) {vic(4,4);goto end;} } else {vic(9,3);goto end;} } else if (a==3) { au(9); a=in(5); if (a==8) { au(2); a=in(6); if (a==1) { au(4); bl(6); } else if (a==4) { au(6); bl(1); } else if (a==6) { au(4); bl(1); } else bl(a); } else {vic(8,3);goto end;} } else if (a==4) { au(6); a=in(5); if (a==1) { au(9); a=in(6); if (a==8) { au(2); bl(3); } else {vic(8,3);goto end;} } else if (a==2) { au(8); a=in(6); if(a==9) { au(1); bl(3); } else {vic(9,3);goto end;} } else if(a==3) { au(9); a=in(6); if (a==8) { au(2); bl(1); } else {vic(8,3);goto end;} } else if (a==8) { au(2); a=in(6); if(a==1) { au(9); bl(3); } else if(a==9) { au(1); bl(3); } else if(a==3) { au(1); bl(9); } } else if(a==9) { au(1); a=in(6); if (a==2) { au(8); bl(3); } else if(a==3) { au(2); bl(8); } else if(a==8) { au(2); bl(3); } } } else if (a==6) { au(4); a=in(5); if(a==1) { au(9); a=in(6); if(a==8) { au(2); bl(3); } else {vic(8,3);goto end;} } else {vic(1,4);goto end;} } else if(a==8) { au(2); a=in(5); if(a==1) { au(9); a=in(6); if(a==4) { au(6); bl(3); } else if (a==6) { au(4); bl(3); } else if(a==3) { au(4); bl(6); } } else if (a==3) { au(1); a=in(6); if (a==4) { au(6); bl(9); } else {vic (4,4);goto end;} } else if(a==4) { au(6); a=in(6); if(a==1) { au(9); bl(3); } else if(a==3) { au(1); bl(9); } else if(a==9) { au(1); bl(3); } } else if (a==9) { au(1); a=in(6); if(a==4) { au(6); bl(3); } else {vic(4,4);goto end;} } else if (a==6) { au(4); a=in(6); if (a==1) { au(9); bl(3); } else {vic(1,4);goto end;} } } else if (a==8) { au(2); a=in(5); if (a==1) { au(9); a=in(6); if(a==4) { au(6); bl(3); } else if (a==6) { au(4); bl(3); } else if (a==3) { au(6); bl(4); } } else if (a==3) { au(1); a=in(5); if (a==4) { au(6); bl(9); } else {vic(4,4);goto end;} } else if (a==6) { au(4); bl(3); } else if (a==9); { au(1); } } else if (a==9) { au(1); a=in(5); if(a==4) { au(6); a=in(6); if(a==2) { au(8); bl(3); } else if(a==3) { au(2); bl(8); } else if(a==8) { au(2); bl(3); } } else {vic(4,4);goto end;} } //END 5 } else if(a==1) //START 1 { au(5); a=in(4); if(a==2) { au(3); a=in(5); if(a==7) { au(4); a=in(6); if(a==6) { au(8); bl(9); } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else {vic(7,8);goto end;} } else if(a==3) { au(2); a=in(5); if(a==8) { au(4); a=in(6); if(a==6) { au(9); bl(7); } else if(a==7||a==9) {vic(6,2);goto end;} else cout<<"GET OUT@#&$%%*^"; } else {vic(8,5);goto end;} } if(a==4) { au(7); a=in(5); if(a==3) { au(2); a=in(6); if(a==8) { au(9); bl(6); } else {vic(8,5);goto end;} } else {vic(3,8);goto end;} } if (a==6) { au(2); a=in(5); if(a==8) { au(7); a=in(6); if (a==3) { au(9); bl(4); } else {vic(3,8);goto end;} } else {vic(8,5);goto end;} } if(a==7) { au(4); a=in(5); if(a==6) { au(2); a=in(6); if (a==8) { au(9); bl(3); } else {vic(8,5);goto end;} } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else if (a==8) { au(4); a=in(5); if(a==6) { au(3); a=in(6); if(a==7) { au(9); bl(2); } else {vic(7,8);goto end;} } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else if(a==9) { au(2); a=in(5); if(a==8) { au(7); a=in(6); if(a==3) { au(6); bl(4); } else {vic(3,8);goto end;} } else {vic(8,5);goto end;} } } //END 1 else if(a==2) //START 2 { au(5); a=in(4); if(a==1) { au(3); a=in(5); if(a==7) { au(4); a=in(6); if (a==6) { au(8); bl(9); } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else {vic(7,8);goto end;} } else if(a==3) { au(1); a=in(5); if(a==9) { au(6); a=in(6); if(a==4) { au(7); bl(8); } else {vic(4,2);goto end;} } else {vic(9,7);goto end;} } else if(a==4) { au(3); a=in(5); if(a==7) { au(1); a=in(6); if (a==9) { au(8); bl(6); } else {vic(9,7);goto end;} } else {vic(7,8);goto end;} } else if(a==6) { au(9); a=in(5); if(a==1) { au(3); a=in(6); if(a==7) { au(4); bl(8); } else {vic(7,8);goto end;} } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else if(a==7) { au(1); a=in(5); if(a==9) { au(8); a=in(6); if(a==3) { au(6); bl(4); } else if(a==4) { au(6); bl(3); } else if(a==6) { au(3); bl(4); } else {vic(7,8);goto end;} } else {vic(9,7);goto end;} } else if(a==8) { au(4); a=in(5); if(a==6) { au(9); a=in(6); if(a==1) { au(3); bl(7); } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else if(a==9) { au(6); a=in(5); if(a==4) { au(7); a=in(6); if(a==3) { au(1); bl(8); } else {vic(3,8);goto end;} } else {vic(4,2);goto end;} } } //END 2 else if (a==3) //START 3 { au(5); a=in(4); if(a==1) { au(2); a=in(5); if(a==8) { au(4); a=in(6); if (a==6) { au(9); bl(7); } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else {vic(5,5);goto end;} } else if(a==2) { au(1); a=in(5); if(a==9) { au(6); a=in(6); if(a==4) { au(7); bl(8); } else {vic(4,2);goto end;} } else {vic(9,7);goto end;} } else if(a==4) { au(2); a=in(5); if(a==8) { au(9); a=in(6); if (a==1) { au(7); bl(6); } else {vic(5,7);goto end;} } else {vic(5,5);goto end;} } else if(a==6) { au(9); a=in(5); if(a==1) { au(2); a=in(6); if(a==8) { au(4); bl(7); } else {vic(5,5);goto end;} } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else if(a==7) { au(2); a=in(5); if(a==8) { au(9); a=in(6); if(a==1) { au(4); bl(6); } else {vic(5,7);goto end;} } else {vic(5,5);goto end;} } else if(a==8) { au(4); a=in(5); if(a==6) { au(9); a=in(6); if(a==1) { au(2); bl(7); } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else if(a==9) { au(6); a=in(5); if(a==4) { au(8); a=in(6); if(a==2) { au(1); bl(7); } else {vic(2,5);goto end;} } else {vic(4,2);goto end;} } } //END 3 if (a==4) //START 4 { au(5); a=in(4); if(a==1) { au(7); a=in(5); if(a==3) { au(2); a=in(6); if (a==8) { au(9); bl(6); } else {vic(8,5);goto end;} } else {vic(3,8);goto end;} } else if(a==2) { au(1); a=in(5); if(a==9) { au(3); a=in(6); if(a==7) { au(8); bl(6); } else {vic(7,8);goto end;} } else {vic(9,7);goto end;} } else if(a==3) { au(2); a=in(5); if(a==8) { au(9); a=in(6); if (a==1) { au(7); bl(6); } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else {vic(8,5);goto end;} } else if(a==6) { au(9); a=in(5); if(a==1) { au(7); a=in(6); if(a==8) { au(3); vic(3,8);goto end; } else {vic(7,3);goto end;} } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else if(a==7) { au(1); a=in(5); if(a==9) { au(8); a=in(6); if(a==2) { au(3); bl(6); } else {vic(2,5);goto end;} } else {vic(9,7);goto end;} } else if(a==8) { au(7); a=in(5); if(a==3) { au(9); a=in(6); if(a==1) { au(2); bl(6); } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else {vic(3,8);goto end;} } else if(a==9) { au(8); a=in(5); if(a==2) { au(3); a=in(6); if(a==7) { au(1); bl(6); } else {vic(7,8);goto end;} } else {vic(2,5);goto end;} } } //END 5 if (a==6) //START 6 { au(5); a=in(4); if(a==1) { au(2); a=in(5); if(a==8) { au(7); a=in(6); if (a==3) { au(9); bl(4); } else {vic(3,8);goto end;} } else {vic(8,5);goto end;} } else if(a==2) { au(1); a=in(5); if(a==9) { au(3); a=in(6); if(a==7) { au(8); bl(6); } else {vic(7,8);goto end;} } else {vic(9,7);goto end;} } else if(a==3) { au(2); a=in(5); if(a==8) { au(9); a=in(6); if (a==1) { au(7); bl(4); } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else {vic(8,5);goto end;} } else if(a==4) { au(9); a=in(5); if(a==1) { au(7); a=in(6); if(a==8) { au(3); vic(3,8); } else {vic(7,3);goto end;} } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else if(a==7) { au(2); a=in(5); if(a==8) { au(9); a=in(6); if(a==1) { au(4); bl(3); } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else {vic(8,5);goto end;} } else if(a==8) { au(7); a=in(5); if(a==3) { au(9); a=in(6); if(a==1) { au(2); bl(4); } else vic(1,7); } else vic(3,8); } else if(a==9) { au(3); a=in(5); if(a==7) { au(8); a=in(6); if(a==2) { au(1); bl(4); } else vic(2,5); } else vic(7,8); } } //END 6 if (a==7) //START 7 { au(5); a=in(4); if(a==1) { au(4); a=in(5); if(a==6) { au(2); a=in(6); if (a==8) { au(9); bl(3); } else {vic(8,5);goto end;} } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else if(a==2) { au(4); a=in(5); if(a==6) { au(9); a=in(6); if(a==1) { au(3); bl(8); } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else if(a==3) { au(2); a=in(5); if(a==8) { au(9); a=in(6); if (a==1) { au(4); bl(6); } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else {vic(8,5);goto end;} } else if(a==4) { au(1); a=in(5); if(a==9) { au(8); a=in(6); if(a==2) { au(6); bl(3); } else {vic(2,5);goto end;} } else {vic(9,7);goto end;} } else if(a==6) { au(8); a=in(5); if(a==2) { au(1); a=in(6); if(a==9) { au(3); bl(4); } else {vic(9,7);goto end;} } else {vic(2,5);goto end;} } else if(a==8) { au(9); a=in(5); if(a==1) { au(4); a=in(6); if(a==6) { au(3); bl(2); } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else if(a==9) { au(8); a=in(5); if(a==2) { au(4); a=in(6); if(a==6) { au(3); bl(1); } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else {vic(2,5);goto end;} } //END 7 } if (a==8) //START 8 { au(5); a=in(4); if(a==1) { au(4); a=in(5); if(a==6) { au(3); a=in(6); if (a==7) { au(9); bl(2); } else {vic(7,8);goto end;} } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else if(a==2) { au(4); a=in(5); if(a==6) { au(9); a=in(6); if(a==1) { au(3); bl(7); } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else if(a==3) { au(6); a=in(5); if(a==4) { au(1); a=in(6); if (a==9) { au(7); bl(2); } else {vic(9,7);goto end;} } else {vic(4,2);goto end;} } else if(a==4) { au(1); a=in(5); if(a==9) { au(7); a=in(6); if(a==3) { au(6); bl(2); } else {vic(3,8);goto end;} } else {vic(9,7);goto end;} } else if(a==6) { au(3); a=in(5); if(a==7) { au(9); a=in(6); if(a==1) { au(4); bl(2); } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else {vic(7,8);goto end;} } else if(a==7) { au(9); a=in(5); if(a==1) { au(4); a=in(6); if(a==6) { au(3); bl(2); } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else {vic(1,7);goto end;} } else if(a==9) { au(7); a=in(5); if(a==3) { au(6); a=in(6); if(a==4) { au(2); bl(1); } else {vic(4,2);goto end;} } else {vic(3,8);goto end;} } } //END 8 if (a==9) //START 9 { au(5); a=in(4); if(a==1) { au(2); a=in(5); if(a==8) { au(7); a=in(6); if (a==3) { au(6); bl(4); } else {vic(3,8);goto end;} } else {vic(8,5);goto end;} } else if(a==2) { au(4); a=in(5); if(a==6) { au(7); a=in(6); if(a==3) { vic(1,4);goto end; } else {vic(3,8);goto end;} } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else if(a==3) { au(6); a=in(5); if(a==4) { au(8); a=in(6); if (a==2) { au(1); bl(7); } else {vic(2,5);goto end;} } else {vic(4,2);goto end;} } else if(a==4) { au(8); a=in(5); if(a==2) { au(3); a=in(6); if(a==7) { au(1); bl(6); } else {vic(7,8);goto end;} } else {vic(2,5);goto end;} } else if(a==6) { au(3); a=in(5); if(a==7) { au(8); a=in(6); if(a==2) { au(4); bl(1); } else {vic(2,5);goto end;} } else {vic(7,8);goto end;} } else if(a==7) { au(8); a=in(5); if(a==2) { au(4); a=in(6); if(a==6) { au(3); bl(1); } else {vic(6,2);goto end;} } else {vic(2,5);goto end;} } else if(a==8) { au(7); a=in(5); if(a==3) { au(6); a=in(6); if(a==4) { au(2); bl(1); } else {vic(4,2);goto end;} } else {vic(3,8);goto end;} } //END 9 } else goto end; //END ALL end: gotoxy(28,24); cputs("Do you want to play again?(Y/N)"); cin>>ch; } while(ch=='y'||ch=='Y'); goto start; //COMP VS MAN (END) } else if (c==2) //MAN VS MAN (START) { char n1[10],n2[10],ch; men: das(); gotoxy(1,5); cout<<"Enter the name of player 1:"; cin>>n1; gotoxy(1,6); cout<<"Enter the name of player 2:"; cin>>n2; char a; do{ doc(); if (g==1) col1(); else if (g==2) col(); else col(); char p1[5],p2[5],q; for(i=0;i<5;i++) { p1[i]='0'; p2[i]='0'; } gotoxy(2,2); cout<<n1; gotoxy(67,2); cout<<n2; p1[0]=ino(3); p2[0]=inn(3); p1[1]=ino(4); p2[1]=inn(4); p1[2]=ino(5); q=dic(p1[0],p1[1],p1[2],p1[3],p1[4]); if (q==1) { gotoxy(1,16); cout<<n1<<" wins! Good playing. Congragulations "<<n1; goto mend; } p2[2]=inn(5); q=dic(p2[0],p2[1],p2[2],p2[3],p2[4]); if (q==1) { gotoxy(1,16); cout<<n2<<" wins! Good playing. Congragulations "<<n2; goto mend; } p1[3]=ino(6); q=dic(p1[0],p1[1],p1[2],p1[3],p1[4]); if (q==1) { gotoxy(1,16); cout<<n1<<" wins! Good playing. Congragulations "<<n1; goto mend; } p2[3]=inn(6); q=dic(p2[0],p2[1],p2[2],p2[3],p2[4]); if (q==1) { gotoxy(1,16); cout<<n2<<" wins! Good playing. Congragulations "<<n2; goto mend; } p1[4]=ino(7); q=dic(p1[0],p1[1],p1[2],p1[3],p1[4]); if (q==1) { gotoxy(1,16); cout<<n1<<" wins! Good playing. Congragulations "<<n1; goto mend; } q=dic(p2[0],p2[1],p2[2],p2[3],p2[4]); if (q==1) { gotoxy(1,16); cout<<n2<<" wins! Good playing. Congragulations "<<n2; goto mend; } mend: gotoxy(35,22); cout<<"Game Over\nWant to play again(Y/N)"; cin>>ch; } while (ch=='y'||ch=='Y'); goto start; } //MAN VS MAN (END) else goto start; } else if(c==3) { clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n"<<setw(45)<<"NOTS & CROSSESS\n"<<setw(46)<<"The gaming software"; cout<<"\n\n\t\tDevoleped By Navi arora\ in C++\n\n\t\tWE would love to here from you. Write to us at \"; gotoxy(8,20); cout<<"1. Acknoledgements\n"; gotoxy(8,21); cout<<"2. Back\nEnter your choice:"; int r; cin>>r; if (r==1) { gotoxy(1,12); cout<<" First of all we would like to thank God for this marvallous achivement\n\ . With out His help we would never have made such a software. \n Next we would \ like to thank our parents for their encouragement and support.\n Then we would like \ to thank our brothers and sisters for his test plays and his encouragement. Last but not \ the least we would like to thank you for playing this game which is noteven \ worth counting in this compatitive world. Thank You!"; getch(); goto start; } else goto start; } else if(c==4) { clrscr(); doc(); gotoxy(1,17); cout<<" This is the computer version of the popular game Nots and Crosses\ which is also\n called as Tic Tac Toe. \n Rules: A player choces any coloum\ chosing the corresponding digit. His symbol\n (X/O) appears in the coloum.\ The next player does the same. This will be\n repeated till all the coloums are\ occupied.\n To win: A Player must capture three corresponding coloums such as\ 1,2,3.\n Press any key to see the diffrent winning boards\n "; getch(); col(); au(1); au(2); au(3); gotoxy(2,25); cout<<"Press a key to goto next board"; getch(); clrscr(); col(); aut(1); aut(4); aut(7); gotoxy(2,24); cout<<"Press a key to go to next board"; getch(); clrscr(); col(); aut(1); aut(5); aut(9); gotoxy(2,24); cout<<"Press a key to go to next board"; getch(); clrscr(); col(); aut(2); aut(5); aut(8); gotoxy(2,24); cout<<"Press a key to go to next board"; getch(); clrscr(); col(); aut(4); aut(5); aut(6); gotoxy(2,24); cout<<"Press a key to go to next board"; getch(); clrscr(); col(); aut(3); aut(6); aut(9); gotoxy(2,24); cout<<"Press a key to go to next board"; getch(); clrscr(); col(); aut(8); aut(7); aut(9); gotoxy(2,24); cout<<"Press a key to go to next board"; getch(); clrscr(); col(); aut(7); aut(5); aut(3); gotoxy(2,24); cout<<"Press a key to go to Main menu"; getch(); goto start; } else if (c==5) { clrscr(); textcolor(WHITE); cout<<"a"; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\n"<<setw(45)<<"NOTS & CROSSESS\n"<<setw(46)<<"The gaming software"; close(); } break; default : cout<<"a"; clrscr(); cout<<"\n\nwrong choice"; } } case 3: clrscr(); cout<<" \n\n\nFirst of all we would like to thank God for this marvallous achivemetn\n\ With out His help we would never have made such a software. \n Next we would \ like to thank our parents for their encouragement and support.\n Then we would like \ to thank our brothers and sisters for his test plays and his encouragement. Last but not \ the least we would like to thank you for playing this game which is not even \ worth counting in this compatitive world. Thank You!"; break; case 4: ending(); break; }//end of switch cout<<"\n\n"; cputs("Do you wish to return to Index (Y/N)"); cin>>choice; }while((choice=='y')||(choice=='Y')); //end of do while clrscr(); close(); delay(800); }

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