float Abs( float A )
Returns the absolute value of the number.
float Sin( float A )
Returns the sine of the number expressed in radians.
float Cos( float A )
Returns the cosine of the number expressed in radians.
float Tan( float A )
Returns the tangent of the number expressed in radians.
float ASin( float A )
Returns the inverse sine of the number expressed in radians.
float ACos( float A )
Returns the inverse cosine of the number expressed in radians.
float Atan( float A )
Returns the inverse tangent of the number expressed in radians.
float Exp( float A )
Returns the constant "e" raised to the power of A.
float Loge( float A )
Returns the log (to the base "e") of A.
float Sqrt( float A )
Returns the square root of A.
float Square( float A )
Returns the square of A = A*A.
float FRand()
Returns a random number from 0.0 to 1.0.
float FMin( float A, float B )
Returns the minimum of two numbers.
float FMax( float A, float B )
Returns the maximum of two numbers
float FClamp( float V, float A, float B )
Returns the first number clamped to the interval from A to B.
float Lerp( float A, float B, float Alpha )
Returns the linear interpolation between A and B.
float Smerp( float Alpha, float A, float B )
Returns an Alpha-smooth nonlinear interpolation between A and B.
float Ceil( float A )
Rounds up
float Round( float A )
Rounds normally